The practices of hope – an introduction 

Saturday, the 15th of October, 12.30 a.m. – 1.10 p.m.
The Small Stage of Teatr Powszechny in Warsaw

➤ host: Elżbieta Koroczluk – a sociologist, author of many scientific articles and books on cultural gender, social movements and civil society. 


„Stories emerge from the darkness and come out into bright daylight. And although the drama of our helplessness unfolds on the stage, the darkness hides the secret of our power” (Rebecca Solnit).

Within the “Practices of hope” cycle, we want to turn away from the events and characters in the spotlight and turn towards the stories of other dimensions of social, political, and culture creating actions. 

During the two meetings organised within this cycle, we would like to invite everyone to hear out the stories from the dark, or the sidelines of major news stories. The cycle will be opened with Elżbieta Korolczuk’s speech that will focus mainly on the idea of a civic parallel state – a space of darkness, invisible from the government's perspective and filled with new ideas, practices and concepts that are not waiting for any readings in the parliament or any signatures, they are constantly being brought to life by taking action. 

Two meetings will be held within the “Practices of hope”. The first will be on Saturday at 11.40 and the second on Sunday at 11.30. Both will be held on the Small Stage of Teatr Powszechny.