Social protests in many Polish cities and towns have uncovered incredible energy of female and male citizens, that oppose the authoritarian inclinations of the government. From that mass opposition and an amazing mobilization of Polish women and men, especially those of the younger generation, came out anger and intransigence. Now we need new rules organising our society - rules based on solidarity, care, and opposition against discrimination and violence.

The program of Forum for the Future of Culture, organised by Teatr Powszechny in Warsaw since 2017, is an answer to the social situation in our country and it focuses on supporting and presenting new, utopian visions. Culture is understood widely as a range of factors that organise the entirety of our lives. We are a place reacting lively to changes and new phenomenons that we analyze thoroughly.

During this year’s edition of the Forum, we asked five social activists for curatorial cooperation: Justyna Samolińska, Zuzanna Karcz, Janka Świerżewska, Amel Mana, and Julia Strzemińska. Together we will think about how to build social relations alternative to the country, social relations that are based on equality and cooperation. How to fight patriarchal violence? How to build a society based on solidarity and care? How to react to problems connected with climate change? We invited female and male activists, researchers, and artists to talk about these challenges and look for possible solutions.

Forum for the Future of Culture 2021 is organized thanks to the support of European Cultural Foundation.