Amel Mana – a social activist, a feminist, an anti-fascist, connected with the „Syrena” (Siren) collective and the Student Anti-fascist Committee. She feels close to the motto „Chcemy całego życia” (We want our whole lives) and that is why she is trying to combine different areas of social struggles in the spirit of intersectionality.

Julia Strzemińska – a feminist, an anti-fascist, connected with the „Syrena” (Siren) collective. She operates in many areas like the fight for the right to live, migrate, and to have safe and easily-accessible contraception and abortion.

Justyna Samolińska –  a publicist, an activist of the Inicjatywa Pracownicza (Employee Initiative) trade union, professionally connected with Razem (Together) political party. She works with children of disadvantaged families in Praga Północ in Warsaw. A feminist, an anti-fascist, and a participant in eviction blockades.

Zuzanna Karcz – a high school student of IV LO im. Stanisława Staszica in Sosnowiec. After hours a human rights activist - of women’s rights and LGBTQ+ people. An initiator of an activist collective for the youth - Nowa Fala Aktywizmu (New Wave of Activism). Her dream is to rebuild the education system, including climate, anti-discrimination and civil modules.

Janka Świerżewska – a climate, environmental and social activist (antifascism, feminism, help for the people affected by homelessness crisis, Samba Warszawski Rumor). She inspires people to take action while trying to combine different fights and knowing that this is the last generation that wants to live together on this planet with security and equality. She is studying ethnology and cultural anthropology.


Karolina Kapralska – a sociology and theatre studies graduate from Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Jagiellonian University). She works as a literary secretary in Teatr Powszechny in Warsaw, before that she was working with Międzynarodowy Festiwal Teatralny Boska Komedia (International Theatre Festival Divine Comedy) and Stowarzyszenie Międzynarodowe Sezony Teatralne i Baletowe (International Theater and Ballet Seasons Association) in Cracow. A curator of cultural and social projects, a co-producer of two editions of Forum Przyszłości Kultury (Forum of Culture’s Future). An active member of Ogólnopolski Związek Zawodowy Inicjatywa Pracownicza (Nationwide Employee Initiative Trade Union), an anti-fascist, she supports many activist initiatives.

Edwin Bendyk – a journalist, publicist and writer, works in the "Polityka" weekly where he heads the science section. Author of books: Zatruta studnia. Rzecz o władzy i wolności (The Poisoned Well. On Power and Freedom, 2002), Antymatrix. Człowiek w labiryncie sieci (Antymatrix. Man in the Maze of the Net, 2004), Miłość, wojna, rewolucja. Szkice na czas kryzysu (Love, War, Revolution. Essays for the Time of Crisis, 2009) and Bunt Sieci (The Rebellion of the Net, 2012). In 2014 he published, together with Jacek Santorski and Witold Orłowski, the book Jak żyć w świecie, który oszalał (How to Live in a World That Has Gone Mad). At the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Warsaw, he lectures on digital culture within the framework of the Language and Society major. Lecturer at the Collegium Civitas, where he heads The Centre for Studies on Future. In the Centre of Social Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Graduate School for Social Research), he conducts a seminar on new media. Deputy editor-in-chief of the „Kultura i rozwój” scientific magazine. He belongs to the Polish PEN Club. Member of the European Council on Foreign Research.

Paweł Łysak – a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Warsaw and of the Department of Drama Directing at the Warsaw State Higher School of Theatre. He has directed over 30 productions on the stages of theatres of Warsaw, Poznań, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Łódź and Toruń, as well as seventy radio plays. Winner of prestigious awards and distinctions, including the Golden Cross "for merits for Polish culture" (2015), the annual Award of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the category of Theatre (2012), Polityka weekly's "Passport" (2008), awards for directing at the 16th National Competition for the Staging of Polish Contemporary Drama (2010), Grand Prix of the Festival of the Polish Radio Theatre and Polish Television Theatre "Dwa Teatry – Sopot" (2011). From 2000 to 2003 he co-directed,  together with Paweł Wodziński, the Polski Theatre in Poznań. From 2006 to 2014, he was the director of the Polski Theatre in Bydgoszcz. Since September 2014, director of the Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw. From 2012 to 2016, Chairman of the Council for Artistic Institutions at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Since 2014, vice-president of the Association of Theatre Directors and, since 2017, deputy chairman of the Guild of Polish Theatre Directors.

Paweł Sztarbowski – holder of a PhD degree in humanities. He graduated in philosophy at the University of Warsaw, and studied theatre science at the Theatre Academy in Warsaw. Between 2006 and 2011, he worked at the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute as Head of Theater Promotion, then between 2011 and 2014 at the Polski Theatre in Bydgoszcz as the Programme Deputy Director and Programme Director at the Festiwal Prapremier (First Premieres Festival). From 2014, he has been working at the Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw as a deputy programme director. He was a theatre reviewer. He lectures at the Theatre Academy in Warsaw and at the College of Information Technology and Management at the Polish Academy of Sciences. As a dramaturg, he cooperated with such directors as Michał Zadara, Paweł Łysak, Wojciech Faruga, Marcin Liber and Nils Torpus. His radio play Somosierra was awarded the Grand Prix of the Festival of the Polish Radio Theatre and Polish Television Theatre "Dwa Teatry" (2011). Winner of the theatre award of the Mayor of Bydgoszcz for 2013 and theatre award of the Marshall of the Cuiavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship  for 2014.