Sebastian Cichocki
A curator and a manager of the research department in Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej (Museum of Modern Art) in Warsaw. He deals mostly with history and practical applications of artistic tools outside of the area of art in activism, education, and climate policies. He was a member of curator teams of exhibitions such us: „Wiek półcienia. Sztuka w czasach planetarnej zmiany” (The Penumbral Age. Art In The Time Of Planetary Change) (2020), „Kto napisze historie łez. Artystki o prawach kobiet” (Who Will Write The History Of Tears. Artists On Women’s Rights) (2021) "Nigdy więcej. Sztuka przeciwko wojnie i faszyzmowi w XX i XXI wieku" (Never Again. Art Against War And Fascism In The 20th And 21st Centuries) (2019) .